Call for contributions to the Special Issue “Intelligent IoT Systems with Mobile/Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)” led by I-Sense researchers

The submission of manuscripts on the topic “Intelligent IoT Systems with Mobile/Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)” to the Electronics journal of MDPI is open. The topic is led by the researchers of our team Dr. Evangelos Maltezos, Dr. Konstantinos Katsaros, Dr. Eleftherios Ouzounoglou, and Dr. Angelos Amditis.

The topic focuses on the support of intelligent IoT solutions and edge computing. More specifically, it focuses on the capabilities and advantages of new technologies such as mobile and multi-access edge computing (MEC) that offer flexible and viable solutions that overcome the limitations of centralized cloud computing. Some of these advantages are (i) environmental awareness; (ii) geo-distributed capabilities and (iii) low latency. Nowadays, edge computing can be possible due to advances in several domains including microelectronics, as well as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), digital twins (DT), virtual simulations, manufacturing/Industry 4.0, connected automated mobility (CAM)/ automotive, etc.

Our researchers invite the submission of manuscripts about Intelligent IoT Systems with Mobile/Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). Research areas may include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Novel system architectures for the support of intelligent IoT applications at the edge;
  • New programming models for intelligent IoT applications in the compute continuum;
  • Novel intelligent IoT applications/services on top of MEC platforms;
  • Experimental performance evaluation/trials of MEC-enabled intelligent IoT applications;
  • Service/resource management and orchestration solutions for the support of intelligent IoT services/applications at the edge;
  • Applications of (distributed) machine learning (ML) techniques for the edge, e.g., federated learning, split learning, etc.;
  • Software optimizations for the support of AI/ML workloads at the edge, e.g., Tiny ML applications.

The submission deadline is January 20, 2024. More information is available here:

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