C-ROADS Greece updated factsheet and new press release for the final results of the project

In the updated factsheet of the CRoads Greece project you will find all the information about the targeting and the final results of the pilots and the technologies developed during the project’s lifetime! Detailed information about the results is also included in the press release. The project developed Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) and solutions for more efficient, sustainable and safer transportation that represent part of the future services to be used by the road users.

ISense Group of ICCS is among the implementing bodies of CRoads Greece and worked together with 10 partners, delivering a set of modern C-ITS technologies and systems that were tested in sections of two pilot sites along Egnatia Odos Tollway and Αttika Tollway.

Read the pressrelease and learn about the final results and outputs of C-Roads Greece on the website of CRoads Platform here: https://www.c-roads.eu/platform/about/news/News/entry/show/press-release-final-results-of-c-roads-greece.html?fbclid=IwAR1gNf-6jRkhgAEsaMizvtFTi6HWR9CUHaX3Z4cRUZI28I_ObDpzRbDB7kw and here: https://www.c-roads.eu/platform/documents.html?fbclid=IwAR02crjo6YVB7PI77Hxt1uXaDN6a3aU_kppXliYG50JtflnGIvvgpSHvzU8

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