Supporting Coastal & Underwater Cultural Heritage Resilience: The THETIDA project kicks off

THETIDA is a new addition in our group’s cultural research projects, funded by the EU! Coordinated by I-SENSE Group of ICCS, THETIDA aims to use technologies and methods to improve resilience and ensure the sustainable preservation of underwater and coastal Cultural Heritage in order to cope with Climate Change, natural hazards, and environmental pollution.

On the 29th and 30th of June 2023, I-SENSE Group organized the project’s kick off meeting in Vouliagmeni where all WP leaders presented their research goals, activities and upcoming tasks. Dr. Angelos Amditis, Project Coordinator, inaugurated the event highlighting the project’s vision and goals while Dr. Panagiotis Michalis, THETIDA’s Project Manager presented the project’s time plan and WPs as well as I-SENSE’s contribution. From the I-SENSE’s side, the event was also attended by Georgios Tsimiklis, Valantis Tsiakos, Tina Katika, Marilena Xarcha, Irini Krimpa & Efi Kontosea.

During the kick-off two sister projects, TRIQUERTA and RescueME introduced their research activities and goals in an attempt to initiate projects’ liaison and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and insights, strengthening collaboration across projects.

The kick off was concluded with a special workshop – roundtable discussion which allowed partners to collaborate and exchange their views and opinions on Coastal and Underwater Cultural Heritage Preservation getting valuable insights.

THETIDA includes 17 partners from 7 European Countries who will work all together for the next 3.5 years developing a preventive conservation strategy that includes monitoring, risk preparedness and management, for underwater and coastal Cultural Heritage sites, identifying and warding off additional threats, promoting adaptation, reconstruction and other post-disruption strategies to restore normal conditions to the historic areas.

Learn more about the THETIDA at

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