The trials of the i-TRIER technologies were conducted with success!

Following many months of productive research work and technical developments, the i-TRIER partners demonstrated and tested the i-TRIER Triage Management solution. The i-TRIER technologies are being developed to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Civil Protection agencies in decision making, management and response to major emergencies related to natural disasters or man-made incidents, from the declaration of an incident through victim Triage, resources, personnel and vehicles management, to casualty care in the hospital.

Five trials of the i-TRIER technologies took place within July at different locations across Europe and Turkey. The trials were run by iProcureSecurity PCP Project Buyers Group at their premises. The Buyers Group consists of the following organisations: Centro De Emergencias Sanitarias 061, Servicio Madrileno De Salud, Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz, Azienda Sanitaria Locale Benevento, Agenzia Regionale Emergenza Urgenza, Ellinikos Erythros Stavros, Ethniko Kentro Amesis Voitheias, İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyesi.

More specifically, the trials took place on the following dates and locations:

  • July 10th in Malaga, Spain
  • July 13th in Milan, Italy
  • July 18th in Izmir, Turkey
  • July 21st in Athens, Greece
  • July 26th in Vienna, Austria

Gnomon-Greece, ICCS/I-Sense-Greece, CS GROUP-France, BETA80-Italy, UPO-CRIMEDIM-Italy, and ERC-Turkey are working together to develop and bring to the market an innovative solution aimed at improving the Mass Casualty Incidents responses. The main functionalities of the system are the following:

  • One of the very first fully digitized Triage Solution
  • Fully qualified Common Operating, Command and Control, Decision Support System
  • Computer Aided Dispatch system
  • Optimized management of victims’ health status/Interoperability with hospitals

The testing and evaluation process of the technologies will provide valuable feedback for further development and result in an improved version of the system for market uptake. i-TRIER is part of the iProcureSecurity PCP project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

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