I-SENSE at the Europe Day Event

On Sunday, May 12th, our research team participated with great success in the “Europe Day” event, which took place at Anassa City Events in Athens and was co-organized by the Representation of the European Commission in Greece and the Office of the European Parliament in Greece. 

Kostas Koukoudis, Orestis Samson, Irini Krimpa, and Dimitris Maragos represented our team and welcomed the public at the I-SENSE booth, where they introduced visitors in the team’s research activities and presented some of their flagship projects such as APSIM, THETIDA, and PALIMPSEST. 

APSIM project made an impression by showcasing two virtual and augmented reality (AR and VR) applications that allow users to get guided on three archaeological sites! By wearing VR glasses and using joysticks, visitors could look into selected exhibits (that have not been preserved) from the Excavation of Dion Pieria, the Archaeological Site of Delos, and the Epigraphic Museum, in three-dimensional form! 

At the same time, the audience used the innovative application for smartphones, CirculAR developed for both APSIM and THETIDA projects and learned more about the history of the exhibits and saw their three-dimensional representations in their current location. 

The Vice President of the European Commission, Mr. Margaritis Schinas, visited the I-SENSE booth and was informed about the latest developments in I-SENSE’s research projects, while Mr. Ioannis Vasileiou, former president of ICCS delved into the APSIM VR application, wearing the VR glasses! 

Our warmest thank you to everyone who attended the event and tested our applications, and we anticipate that they will be used in practice, enhancing the visiting experience in archaeological sites in Greece and Europe! 

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