The 4th Pilot exercise of the eVACUATE Project was obtained on May 2017 at San Mames Metro Station, in Metro Bilbao Premises.
Main Outcomes:
The last pilot contained three different meetings:
- Training (particularly the COP);
- Evacuation exercise;
- Simulation exercise.
eVACUATE Team worked together as a well trained team and the training, evacuation exercise and simulation exercise went very well. We have shown that we learned from the previous pilots and prepared well for the final one. Problems we experienced in the previous pilots were anticipated and did not cause new or similar ones. Both from an organizational point of view, as well as from a technical point of view the pilot went well.
The training was held at Basauri office on Thursday afternoon. We trained three persons to operate COP. The training was in translated into Spanish and well received. The COP proved to be easily understood and operated.
The pilot demonstration took place in Sam Mamés metro station in Bilbao on Friday, May 5th at 01:00 hours. The preparations for the evacuation exercise started 1.5 hours earlier, after the metro station closed up for the night.
eVACAUTE Team needed only 35 minutes to a complete deployment of the eVACUATE system in San Mamés metro station, including a system test. The volunteers, participating in the evacuation exercise arrived already at midnight, reaching the number of approximately 90 volunteers in the evacuation exercise, among which about 15 interested security personnel to attend the exercise at the location of COP!
The evacuation exercise was, contrary to the previous ones, not in English, but Spanish. The evacuation exercise was divided into 5 loops. The last loop was a complex one including setting of smoke alarms, manual alarms and a full evacuation scenario in which one of the exits was blocked.
{videobox? &display=`links` &player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}stRwXjt_GTY|HD Promo Video – Spanish Version{/videobox}
{videobox? &display=`links` &player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}he4ndiizc74|HD Promo Video – English Version{/videobox}
In addition find below the videos from eVACUATE individual Tests performed during that day (loops):
- {videobox? &display=`links` &player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}9zezxP9oLaQ|Loop 1 (HT Cameras){/videobox}
- {videobox? &display=`links` &player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}Hi9tHmrB4q0|Loop 2 (blocked exit + unusual behaviour){/videobox}
- {videobox? &display=`links` &player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}aoicjw8wpTA|Loop 3 (RFID Tags){/videobox}
- {videobox? &display=`links` &player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}u4gePCckF1g|Loop 4 (social Media and FR app){/videobox}
- {videobox? &display=`links` &player=`vbinline` &move=`all`}IpT29cXZo0w|Loop 5 (eVAMAPP){/videobox}