A great conclusion for the CitySCAPE project!

The final review meeting of the CitySCAPE Project was held on 18 October 2023, online. The consortium partners presented the result of their hard work, innovation and collaboration to the Project Officer and the two reviewers, who praised the project’s outcomes and congratulate the consortium for the exceptional result.

CitySCAPE introduced innovative risk analysis techniques and managed a number of software solutions in order to realize an interoperable toolkit that seamlessly integrates to any multimodal transport system.

I-SENSE Group being the project coordinator and the Dissemination leader is proud to have coordinated such an innovative project! From our team, Vasilis Sourlas, the Head of ITS/CCAM, Anna Antonakopoulou, the Smart Mobility Applied Systems Team leader, Jason Sioutis the day-to-day project manager of the project and Maria Tsirigoti, the CitySCAPE Dissemination manager attended the meeting and presented their contribution to the project! Find more information on https://www.cityscape-project.eu/.

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