Smart Mobility Applied Systems (SMAS)

Smart Mobility Applied Systems (SMAS)

The need for Smart mobility arose out of increasing urban traffic congestion and its related side effects, including pollution, fatalities, and wasted time. Smart mobility is a new and revolutionary way of thinking about how we get around — one that is cleaner, safer, and more efficient. SMAS applied technological and socio-economic research targets to highly contribute to the mobility system of the future and envisages mobility as inclusive, safe, green, efficient and sustainable. 

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Main Research & Application Areas 

  • Smart Mobility Applications/Smart Cities 
  • eMobility
  • Mobility Data Spaces & Knowledge Mapping 
  • Mobility Systems Modelling, Upscale & Assessment 

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Our Researchers

Contact Information


Dr Anna Antonakopoulou

Division Leader
9,Iroon Politechniou str. Polytechnic Campus,
15773 Zografou, Athens, Greece
+30 210 300 5896 (277)