Urban Releaf: a new project for I-SENSE Group

Urban Releaf is a new Horizon project, aiming to leverage citizen science for public sector innovation. The climate change in combination with the high urbanization (by 2050 more than 2,4 billion more people are expected to live in cities) can have a negative impact on human health.

To address this challenge, Urban Releaf brings together the academic and private sector as well as six European cities (Athens, Greece I Cascais, Portugal I Dundee, UK I Mannheim, Germany I Riga, Latvia I Utrecht, The Netherlands) in order to assess the current urban greening policies and co-create data ecosystems through citizen science to support climate change adaptation, green infrastructure and urban design planning and also to improve decision making.

UrbanReleaf will showcase the democratisation of urban greenspace monitoring and the wider policy making process for cities in pursuit of urban climate resilience. The Urban ReLeaf data ecosystem and associated governance models will deliver new, inclusive pathways in support of the European Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals keeping cities green, inclusive and sustainable.

ISENSE Group of ICCS is responsible to map the urban greening data ecosystems and identify opportunities for citizen-powered contributions and also to bridge the citizen-powered and authoritative data ecosystems.