RiskPACC and CiROCCO presentations at SafeAttika 2023

Dr Chrysoula Papathanasiou from ISense Group presented the RiskPACC and CiROCCO EU funded projects during the SafeAttica 2023 of SafeGreece, which took place in Athens, Greece, from 25 to 27 September 2023.

RiskPACC seeks to further understand and close this Risk Perception Action Gap (RPAG). Through its dedicated co-creation approach and its seven case studies, RiskPACC will facilitate interaction between citizens and CPAs to jointly identify their needs and develop potential procedural and technical solutions to build enhanced disaster resilience. Our team, being the Technical Coordinator of the project, is focused on developing the Aeolian Augmented Reality Mobile App an Interactive Tool for Hazard Information Exchange, which has been designed to establish two-way communication between citizens, volunteers, and Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs) during all phases of the disaster management cycle.

The main functionalities and benefits of the Aeolian mobile app were presented by Dr Chrysoula Papathanasiou during the SafeAttika 2023 Conference on 26 September. In the context of the Conference, Chrysoula Papaathanasiou presented also the CiROCCO’s technologies and advancements. CiROCCO aims to enhance the in-situ environmental observations across under-sampled deserts. Desert ecosystems are threatened by climate change – higher temperatures, decease in rainfall, and higher CO2 levels. Some desert areas get more rain, which makes them greener but disrupts their ecosystems. Climate change in deserts can also impact neighboring regions through long-distance transport of dust and pollutants, affecting air quality. Monitoring desert ecosystems is challenging due to limited ground-based networks, but combining ground-based measurements with AI models can enhance accuracy and aid in calibration. Preserving these fragile environments requires a comprehensive understanding of their complex dynamics and the development of effective mitigation strategies.

The 10th International Conference on Civil Protection and New Technologies brought together people from Αcademics, Local Governments and Central Administration, Private Sector and Voluntary Organizations from Greece and abroad to demonstrate new technological achievements for the benefit of Civil Protection, discuss contemporary challenges about Civil Protection and exchange experience, lessons learned and good practices.

More information about the event can be found here: https://safegreece.org/safeattica2023/index.php/en/

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