PALIMPSEST EU Project Open Call for Creative Agents

PALIMPSEST project aims to reshape landscapes through the co-creation of sustainable solutions that interconnect human actions, heritage, and sustainability. This transformative endeavor hybridizes local practices with architecture, design, and art, seeking to craft a harmonious balance between human civilization and the environment.

We are excited to invite passionate and innovative creative minds to join us in three landscape laboratories:

  • Łódź (PL): A UNESCO city of films, steeped in unique industrial heritage, but currently combating multiple pollution challenges in its water, air, and soils. Our mission is to regenerate the industrial urban landscape, giving birth to a new urban paradigm.
  • Jerez de la Frontera (ES): This Andalusian wine cultural landscape grapples with the competition for land use between agriculture, tourism, and energy production. Together, we endeavor to find sustainable solutions that preserve its cultural significance while embracing progress.
  • Milan (IT): Focus lies on the “invisible” river Lambro, shaped by ancient irrigation practices and facing threats of water scarcity today. Our ambition is to safeguard this precious water landscape through ingenuity and foresight.

PALIMPSEST promotes collaborative experiments grounded in design, art practices, and architecture. For each landscape, we will carefully select one creative individual or team to embark on a transformative journey with us, participating in the design, organization, and development of two residential workshops – one in 2024 and the second in 2025.

During these immersive workshops, design, art practices, and architecture will engage in profound dialogue with the specific needs of each place and the broader systemic challenges they present. Together, we will envision a vibrant and sustainable future for these three landscape laboratories.

In recognition of their exceptional contributions, each of the three selected applicants (whether a team or individual) will be awarded 10,000 euros. This financial support is intended to facilitate the realization of their creative visions, research, or experimentation activities beyond their usual creative environment. Additionally, awardees will have the opportunity to participate in periodic online meetings following the residency, collaborating on the design of prototypes and other follow-up activities.

Seize this opportunity to be at the forefront of transformative change, where creativity meets sustainability and art shapes a brighter future. Submit your proposals and be a part of the PALIMPSEST project’s revolutionary journey!

Τo read the full announcement and apply to the Open Call at


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