Navigating the Future of Automated Driving in Athens: the 2nd HiDRIVE summer school

I-SENSE Group/ICCS Unveils Final Agenda for Hi-Drive Summer School 2024: Navigating the Future of Automated Driving

The I-SENSE Group of ICCS is thrilled to announce the final agenda for the Hi-Drive Summer School 2024, titled “Navigating the Future with Advanced and Safe Automated Driving.” Set to take place from September 25 to 26 in Vouliagmeni, Athens, this event is designed to bring together some of the most prominent minds in the autonomous driving sector. The summer school will offer invaluable opportunities for young researchers to connect with industry leaders and top academics from across Europe.

Volkswagen Group’s Aria Etemad, coordinator of the Hi-Drive project, will kick off the event alongside our Director Dr. Angelos Amditis, setting the stage for two days of insightful discussions.

The first day of the Hi-Drive Summer School will explore cutting-edge advancements in automated driving technologies, focusing on perception, motion prediction, and planning. In the morning, experts like Prof. Stefan Schneider (University of Applied Sciences Kempten) will delve into the evolution of sensor models from ADAS to full automation. Steffen Hagedorn (Bosch) will tackle the complexities of integrating prediction and planning for proactive traffic interaction, while Werner Ritter (Mercedes-Benz) will present AI solutions for enhancing vehicle vision in low visibility. The afternoon will shift to collective perception, with Claudio Casetti (Politecnico di Torino) discussing microclouds in vehicle platoons, followed by Krishna Ashok (Volvo Cars) addressing cybersecurity design for cooperative systems.

Day two of the Hi-Drive Summer School will focus on the human element of autonomous driving, beginning with a keynote by Alexandre Alahi (EPFL) on the seven foundational principles for automated driving. Sessions will cover key topics such as Georgios Papaioannou (Delft University of Technology) on motion comfort in AVs, Rafael Goncalves (University of Leeds) on driver takeover using gaze data, and Lena Plum (BAST) on teleoperation challenges. The day will also explore human factors in safety, with Ilse Harms (RDW) discussing research for standards and Gustav Markkula (University of Leeds) examining human road user behavior for vehicle automation.

In addition to expert talks, the event will also host poster sessions showcasing the work of emerging researchers from universities across Europe. From University of Zagreb to Chalmers University of Technology, young scientists will have the opportunity to present their innovative research and connect with peers and industry experts.

The Hi-Drive Summer School 2024 promises to be a landmark event for anyone involved in autonomous driving research. It’s a great chance for young researchers and professionals in the field to immerse themselves in a forward-thinking environment, gaining insights from leading experts who are actively shaping the future of mobility in Europe and beyond.

To see the full agenda, visit the official event page here.

About the project

Hi-Drive brings together 53 partners from the automotive industry, research institutes and other relevant stakeholders under the common goal to tackle key challenges that are currently hindering the progress in vehicle automation and to push automated driving (AD) from SAE Level 3 further up toward higher levels of automation. The technologies developed will demonstrate the robustness and reliability of connected automated driving (CAD) functions in large-scale trials under diverse and challenging environments.

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