INFO DAY on Environment Theme related to the Work Programme 2011


Next 12-13 July 2010 the Environment Directorate of DG RTD is organising an INFO DAY and brokerage events related the forthcoming publication of the FP7 call for proposals – Work Programme 2011.


The INFO DAY will take place in Brussels, Centre Albert Borschette, 36 rue Froissart, starting on Monday afternoon 12 July.

In particular, the morning of Tuesday 13th July will be entirely devoted to the presentation of the Eco-Innovation call and to the related brokerage event. The 50 M€ EC contribution bottom-up on Eco-Innovation call represents a very interesting and challenging call that is intended to actively contribute to boosting eco-innovative solutions in EU also through a wider involvement of SMEs.

Details about the agenda of the meeting, the registration form and other information are available at

Please notice that registration is mandatory. Due to the limited availability of space, a “first come, first served” policy will be applied. However, in case of over-subscription, limitation to the number of representatives for each institution may be requested.

For organisational reasons, it is particularly important that participants specify which sessions they intend to attend and whether they intend to make a “flash” presentation of a FP7 proposal with its foreseen title. The flash presentation cannot last more than 3 minutes and it should be not longer than 3 slides.

The Information Day is dedicated to all parties – researchers, research institutions, companies, Industry, SMEs, National Contact Points, etc. – interested in the process of responding to one of the Environment Theme call for proposals.

For any additional information please send an email to


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