We are glad to inform you that ICCS became a member of the C-ITS Platform of the European Commission (DG MOVE) where will be represented by Dr. Angelos Amditis. The platform will address the main barriers and enablers identified for the deployment of CITS in the EU, in relation to the services likely to be introduce in the first stage (Day 1 applications) in view to provide policy recommendations to the European Commission for the development of a Communication on the Deployment of C-ITS in the EU by the end of 2015.

Knowledge Valorisation Workshop part1: Intellectual Property & Patents
The ISENSE/ICCS Innovation and Networking Office, in collaboration with the digiGOV innoHUB, successfully organized the Knowledge Valorisation Workshop: Intellectual Property & Patents, held on March 7, 2025. The workshop provided participants with an introduction to intellectual