Key results from some of I-SENSE promising projects were presented at the #H2020RTR21 European Conference on Transport Research.
Dr. Vasilis Sourlas attended the 5th edition of the European Conference #H2020RTR21 and successfully presented the ICT4CART project’s final results, its critical impact in the integration of connectivity of automated driving and in the safety and adoption of automated driving in the near future.
Dr. Sourlas attracted audience’s attention with ICT4CART’s use cases and their implementation, and received several questions regarding the use cases, hybrid connectivity and the new project that will continue ICT4CART’s research work.
The European Conference #H2020RTR21 is a two-day event taking place physically in Brussels and focuses on the presentation of research results of various H2020 road transport projects with great representation from all over Europe. ICT4CART project was presented at the ICT infrastructure for road transport session which was moderated by Andrea Arcelli from CINEA and Torsten Geissler from BASt Germany. Also RESSIST project was also presented by Dr Vasilis Sourlas.
Learn more about the Conference’s agenda and live streaming service here.