Aachen│June 28-29
ITS Team of I-SENSE Group had activelly participated in the final event of the European project AdaptIVe, Europe’s largest research project on automated driving. The team has been a member of the “close distance scenarios” working group and part of the project’s Steering Committee and Technical Expert Group as well as Liaison manager responsible for establishing links with related projects, Working groups, organisations and other expert communities working on the field of vehicle automation.
More than 250 experts from 20 countries all over the world joined the AdaptIVe Final Event, “Driving Automation”, in Aachen, Germany, on 28 and 29 June 2017. Opened by Erik Jonnaert, Secretary General of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association ACEA, and Wolfgang Höfs, European Commission, the conference focused on the technology behind the functions. The AdaptIVe implementation scenarios (low speed parking scenarios, mid-speed urban driving, and high-speed highway driving up to 130 km/h) and approach per demonstrator vehicle have been presented for each driving scenario category.
Cross-cutting topics that have been on the project’s agenda such as fail-tolerant system architecture, human factors, legal aspects and safety validation as well as evaluation methods, were thoroughly presented and discussed. Progress made in the field of connected automated driving has been particularly tackled by AdaptIVe EU researchers that presented how they succeeded in improving existing sensors and in linking them to Vehicle-to-X technologies for extended and more accurate perception of the vehicle’s surrounding environment.
A presentation on the future of automated driving as seen by the Perception platform viewpoint was given by dr. A. Amditis under the title “Sensing the vehicle environment”.
A comprehensive parallel exhibition placed close to the conference made the results tangible for all paricipants.The results presented through:
- posters from the research areas,
- short technical talks in the exhibition area
- videos on V2X based merging manoeuvres or legal aspects displayed the advancement of automated driving research by AdaptIVe.
I-SENSE specific research and development role in AdaptIVe was to contribute in the specification, development and testing of the environment perception platform for automation in close-distance scenarios. Focus of the I-SENSE research was cast on single modal simultaneous localization and mapping based on LIDAR data in AdaptIVe parking scenarios under GPS shortage. Parking garages’ blueprints digitalization using OSM format, methods for grid maps alignment and metrics for quantitative mapping evaluation have been developed as part of this work. This work was presented in the exhibition area by members of the I-SENSE ITS technical team (Panagiotis, Anastasia, Richardos) through a short technical talk on map generation based on lidar data for gps restricted environments, a poster and a pc-based demo.
One major acitivity of the AdaptIVe Final Event was also the two days driving demonstrations performed in and around the city of Aachen. Dedicated driving tours run by nine demonstrator vehicles took place on highways, in a simulated urban environment and in a multi-level parking garage (including also the visit to the new highly dynamic driving simulator of the ika RWTH Aachen University).
After the accomplishment of the project final review, the European Commission sincerely thanked the project team for the outstanding results and Final Event – and rated the project as “excellent”.
Reference material:
- You may find here the agenda.
The press release and media reports are available here.
Presentations and public deliverables as well as summaries of restricted deliverables will be available here.
Note: Photos #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from left to right are an intellectual property of the AdaptIVe project. © AdaptIVe project / Photographer: Nils Kampendonk