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One of the objectives of Cyber-MAR  project – which our team at ICCS coordinates- is to cover the training needs for all professionals (cybersecurity/IT experts but also non-IT-expert personnel of ports, shipping operators and linked entities influenced by possible cascading effects) and most importantly also to raise the cyberthreat awareness level within those organizations by hands-on training. The courses are available at different levels of complexity (entry, intermediate, advanced) to attract trainees with various levels of experience. CTF is part of the formative offer as a playground to practically learn cyber-attack & cyber-defense techniques by gamification.

7 February 2023: Capture of the Flag competition

It’s a gamified competitive cybersecurity event based on different challenges. The objective of this CTF is to enhance cybersecurity skills at an entry-intermediate level through solving a set of challenges. More information and registrations here!  Registration is free and will remain open until 31 January 2023

8 February 2023: A004 – Lesson learned from CyberMAR pilots: SCADA system in Port Container terminal” and A005 – Lesson learned from CyberMAR pilots: Vessel navigation and automation systems

Both courses are intended to present a hypothetical real scenario with its consequences. The ultimate objective is to make learners conscious of the possible damages caused by a cyber-attack. Advanced Level More information and registrations here!  Registration is free and will remain open until 6 February 2023.

About Cyber-MAR

The aim of Cyber-MAR, was to fully unlock the value of using cyber range in the maritime logistics value chain via the development of an innovative simulation environment adapting in the peculiarities of the maritime sector, but being at the same time easily applicable in other transport subsectors. A combination of innovative technologies are the technology enablers of the proposed Cyber-MAR platform, which is both a knowledge-based platform & a decision support tool to cybersecurity measures, by deploying novel risk analysis and econometric models. Collected and analysed CSIRTs/CERTs data will feed the knowledge-based platform with new target scenarios and exercises.