I-SENSE researchers will participate in the high level and technical program of the 30th ITS World Congress in Dubai

The 30th ITS World Congress in Dubai is organised by ERTICO – ITS Europe, with the support of RTA Dubai as the host. It will take placefrom 16 – 20 September 2024 and representatives from I-SENSE Group and ICCS will participate in the high level program and technical sessions of this prestigious conference.With up to 20,000 attendees, 170 sessions, 650 international speakers, and over 300 exhibitors, the event includes plenary sessions, technical sessions, exhibitions, and demonstrations. Find where you can meet us at the 30th edition of ITS World Congress, in Dubai: 

  • I-SENSE director, Dr Angelos Amditis being the ERTICO Chairman, will open the conference and the exhibition welcoming more than 20.000 attendants  to a rich 5day programme full of sessions, discussion and exchanges on the future of mobility. The ERTICO Chairman will also participate in a number of liaison meetings and sessions, in the high level and technical programme. 
  • Panayiotis Lytryvis, senior researcher at I-SENSE/ICCS is speaking in session ‘RP 3 Non-technical aspects of automated mobility (Monday, September 16, 2024 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM) 
  • The International Forum 2 – Harnessing Intelligent Transportation Systems for Sustainable Futures (on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min) will explore the pivotal role of ITS and emerging technologies in advancing safety and sustainability within transportation networks. In a dynamic blend of expert insights form diverse ITS leaders, Dr Angelos Amditis will participate in the panel to explore how ITS and emerging technologies can provide transformative solutions and address longstanding challenges related to safety, as well as environmental and economic sustainability.
  • The session SIS 24 Sustainable and safe urban mobility for all: Reality or illusion? (Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM) will be moderated by Christina Anagnostopoulou, senior research at I-SENSE/ICCS. Dr Angelos Amditis will discuss on the present situation of the urban mobility and  on how to introduce safe, sustainable and inclusive urban mobility in our lives.
  •  SIS 59 PDI and communication developments as CCAM enablers (Wednesday, September 18, 2024 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM ) is organized by Giannis Karaseitanidis, Technical Director of I-SENSE/ICCS. Experts from industry and academia will share insights from research, market analysis, and ongoing pilots and trials.Among others, Ioannis Karaseitanidis and Panayiotis Lytrivis will explore the opportunities and challenges of interconnecting mobile road users with edge infrastructure, showcasing the latest developments in distributed and infrastructure-assisted CCAM.
  • Christina Anagnostopoulou, Senior Researcher at ICCS will present on ‘SIS 53 How to find, book, and pay for EV charging? – Success stories and opportunities’ on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM). The session will be moderated by Evangelia Latsa -I-SENSE researcher- and will highlight  challenges and opportunities for a user-friendly EV-ecosystem. After running national and international projects for years, the panellists are experts in this field. From European projects (e.g. eCharge4Drivers) and national initiatives (e.g. in Norway and Canada), they will inform us of the pitfalls, share their knowledge, and help the audience see the great industrial opportunities ahead of us.
  • On SIS 90 How can we achieve smart and decarbonised freight transport? ‘ among other experts, Dr Angelos Amditis and Giannis Kanelllopoulos, will explore the pivotal debate on shaping the future of logistics and supply chains to accelerate the global transition to decarbonized freight transport. The SIS will take place on Thursday, September 19, 2024 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM.
  • Dr Evangelia Portouli, Senior Researcher at ISENSE-Group and Administration, Quality & Dissemination Director,
    will participate in  SIS 85 Advanced multimodal network and traffic management: the latest advances of EU research (on Friday, September 20, 2024 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM). The aim of this session is to present the latest research related to the adoption of effective approaches and methodologies enabling optimized traffic management and seamless mobility of passenger and goods, towards interoperability in multimodal transport ecosystem. More specifically, concepts and results from EU-funded research projects – such as SYNCHROMODE, ACUMEN, DELPHI, ORCHESTRA and FRONTIER – and other international innovations will be presented, dealing with relevant topics and case studies.
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