Something new in the Horizon about Electric Vehicles!

TWIN LOOP a Horizon Europe project that aims to develop an Open Framework for TwinOps for EVs along with a suite of digital tools aimed at continuously improving Energy Consumption, Hardware Costs, Driver Experience and Vehicle Resiliency across the four stages of vehicle lifecycle. The project will implement the Open Framework, integrate with EV specific tools and assess their effectiveness in realistic conditions across three different use cases, identified for their relevance to the topic.

The TWIN-LOOP consortium brings together a diverse and highly specialized group of 13 partners (MOSAIC, ICCS, VAL, CEA, IAV, RISE, UL, BGS, EUT, TOFAS, ST, ICTLAB, XTE), each contributing specific expertise and resources that align with the project’s ambitious objectives. The consortium includes leaders from academia, the automotive industry, technology providers, and consulting firms.

I-SENSE Group of the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) is participating in all work packages and is leading the Use Cases and Validation (WP5).

The TWIN LOOP project was officially launched with a dynamic kick-off meeting in Barcelona, Spain hosted by the project coordinator MOSAIC FACTOR on 21 & 22 January 2025!  Our team was represented by Dr Vasilis Sourlas and Iasonas Kouveliotis-Lysikatos.


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