In a workshop organised by ERTICO, a panel of experts from Europe, Korea and the USA will focus on the deployment of 5G for seamless connected and automated driving (CAM) in the different regions. Dr Villy Portouli from ISENSE will contribute to the discussion with a results presentation from one of the leading EU-funded projects focusing on cross-border 5G for CAM. The presentation will provide a look at the key findings stemming from the extensive experimental activities of the 5G-MOBIX project in two (2) Cross-Border Corridors, Greece-Turkey and Spain-Portugal, as well as four (4) European inter-PLMN trial sites (Finland, Netherlands, France, Germany) and two (2) Asian ones (China, S. Korean). This talk will attempt to distill the most important technical conclusions and corresponding recommendations, across a wide breadth of technical aspects and key challenges investigated by the project, all strongly related to cross-border 5G for CAM.
The workshop is taking place on September 21st under the framework of the ITS World Congress 2022, the leading event for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) around the world.