Earth Observation and Environmental Monitoring

Earth Observation and Environmental Monitoring

At Circular Economy & Tracing, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way we manage resources and products. Our team is at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging innovative approaches regarding Material Valorization, Digital Product Passports, Matchmaking Frameworks, Energy Optimization studies, Mass Flow Analysis, and more.

Our mission is clear: to create a sustainable future where every resource and product is valued, traced, and optimized for efficiency and reusability. We are committed to quality in every aspect of our work, ensuring that our processes and solutions meet the highest standards.

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Main Research & Application Areas:

  • Sensors, Wearables, WSN
  • Data Management Architectures & Platforms 
  • EO Based Sensing, Image Processing, Data Fusion, Sensing Optimization 

Division News

I-SenseGroup attended Horizon4Poland!

Our team travelled to Poland to attend the Horizon4Poland23 event that was held on 21 & 22 November 2023 in Warsaw. Our Jason Sioutis, the...

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Our Researchers

Contact Information


Valantis Tsiakos

Division Leader
9,Iroon Politechniou str. Polytechnic Campus,
15773 Zografou, Athens, Greece
+30 210 772 2399