The THETIDA project approaches safeguarding and protecting Europe’s coastal and underwater cultural heritage from the effects of climate change and natural hazards in a holistic manner that includes risk management, protection and preparedness, as complementary strategies to prevent damages to cultural heritage sites, identify and ward off additional threats and promote policy tools for climate neutrality and economic resilience in coastal areas.
The THETIDA project will achieve this goal through the development of a preventive conservation strategy that includes monitoring, risk preparedness and management, for underwater and coastal (U&C-CH) sites, identify and ward off additional threats and promote adaptation, reconstruction and other post-disruption strategies to restore normal conditions to the historic areas, as well as long-term strategic approaches to adapt to climate change and to wield policy tools for economic resilience.
In this project, an interdisciplinary team of researchers, experts and practitioners will develop, test and validate an integrated multiple heritage risk assessment and protection system with evidence-based monitoring frameworks, innovative tools and instruments and through participatory processes (Citizens’ Science and Living Labs). The project implementation actions will link the social innovations with cutting-edge technologies (ICT and IoT harmonised tools).