Dr. Angelos Amditis


Dr. Angelos Amditis

Research Director, ICCS


About Dr. Angelos Amditis

Dr. Angelos J. Amditis is Research and Development Director in the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of NTUA and member of its Board of Directors. Elected Chairman of ERTICO – ITS Europe since June 2018, and a member of  ERTICO’s Supervisory Board (BoD) since 2013. One of the founding members, former President and currently Vice President of ITS Hellas. Member of TP ALICE’s Executive Group (BoD), Co-Chairing the TG3 “Systems & Technologies for Interconnected Logistics”. Vice President and initiator of the EuroVR Association, former President from September 2010 until March 2016. Greece’s National Representative on CCAM and C-ITS. Vice Chairman, Member of the BoD at Athens Urban Transport Organisation (OASA). Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Hellenic Port Community System (HPCS) of the Piraeus Container Terminal S.A. (PCT). Member of the Board of Directors of the Athens Water Supply and Sewerage Company (EYDAP S.A.). Member of the Innovation Platform of the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations S.A. (HCAP). Greece’s National Representative for the Horizon Europe (2021-2027) Research Programme for Climate, Energy and Mobility. Member of the Working Group on Transport and Supply Chain of General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) Platform. Technical Advisor of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport on CCAM, C-ITS and eCall. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE since 2016. 

He has been participating in numerous EC and National Groups and Platforms. During the last 20 years he has been the scientific responsible for more than 150 EU founded and national research and development projects and has participated in many more in the fields of Smart Mobility, Automated Transport Systems, Cooperative Systems, Electromobility, ITS for Logistics, Platforms, monitoring sensor networks, IoT, data management/aggregation, cyber-security, communication technologies, cloud services, AI/VR, UAVs, circular economy, Sustainability and Green apps etc. In 2020, he founded CIBOS an innovation-oriented spin-off company of ICCS. He has authored and co-authored more than 90 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, more than 220 conference papers and regularly contributes in think tanks and publications with a shaping role in research, economic and societal policy making such as DiaNEOsis. He is an Electrical and Computer Systems Engineer (NTUA) with a PhD and an MBA from the same Technical University.