Workshop & Live Demos on Next Generation Automated Emergency Services

NEXES Research and Innovation action ( and the I-SENSE Group of ICCS are organising NEXES’ 1st demonstration activity dedicated to Automated Emergency Services as an one day Workshop open for the public with invitees from Greek and European Next Generation Emergency Services and researchers.

The workshop will take place in Athens, Greece in February 21st, 2018 and will present, via small scale end to end exercises (live demos), the research results of the project, dealing with the future of next generation automated (non-human initiated) emergency calls as specified within NEXES Machine2Machine/Internet of Things-enabled solutions and prototypes’ development. This work capitalises on the principle that human-initiated emergency calls and automated emergency calls, originating from telematics and user equipment such as tablets, smartphones, and sensors, should be handled or processed similarly.

Kindly take a look at the official invitation (here) and register for free till February 9th, 2018 via this link:


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