Virtual and Interactive Environments for Workplaces of the Future (VIEW) is a three year long project funded by the European Union within the Information Society Technology program (IST).
It started on January 2001 and it is expected to finish on December 2003. VIEW will perform research and produce methodologies, tools, guidelines, and products to design workplaces utilising Virtual Environments (VE). Therefore it is necessary to understand the impact of VE technologies on their users.
The particular objectives will be informational (understanding of potential barriers, roles and impact of VEs), promotional (pilot application demonstrators), developmental (interaction and interface elements, mobile VEs prototype, usability test batteries) and supportive (interactive design support tool and strategic guidance). Industrial users will apply the pilot application demonstrators to be able to assess the new work processes and at the same time be a platform to perform tests and evaluations of the methodologies, tools and products developed in VIEW. The intended outcomes will be generic to help industrial users across Europe to apply VE systems and tools in different domains. A setup of a new VE workplace will be produced as a result of the modules developed in VIEW.