Project Details

Name: TeamUP
Launch Year: 2024
End Year: 2026

ICCS Role:



The TeamUP project addresses global concerns about CBRN-E incidents targeting civilians by focusing on reinforcing capabilities and response measures in Europe. Currently, First Responder teams face challenges related to insufficient training, equipment, and resources for managing CBRN-E hazards, leading to challenges in providing assistance to victims and following proper decontamination processes. The project aims to overcome these challenges by establishing a unified framework to evaluate capabilities, procedures, and co-developed solutions for CBRN-E preparedness and response. TeamUP’s objective is to create an innovative toolkit for detecting, identifying, and monitoring hazardous materials, for more efficient coordinated operations, and to facilitate efficient and safe Search and Rescue (SaR) using Augmented Reality (AR). The project also aims to develop technologies for monitoring the health status of First Responders, digitally upgraded Triage and Breath Analysis for victims, as well as Fastly Deployable Mass Decontamination System, monitored people and infrastructure decontamination. Moreover, it offers Incident Management and digital Training Tool for First Responders and citizens enhancing overall preparedness and response.

The technologies developed within TeamUP will undergo testing and validation through a rich programme of Tabletop, Small-Scale Exercises, as well as Small-Scale and Full-Scale Trials. This process will involve the active participation of eight end-user organizations and a highly competitive technical team with extensive experience in EU impactful funded projects, aiming to create a market-ready solution. In addition, this collaborative endeavor is expected to contribute to the standardization of decontamination procedures and metrics across the European Union.

The TeamUP project, spanning 36 months from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2026, is comprised of 22 partners and 1 associated partner. It brings together 7 renowned academic and research institutes (ICCS, CERTH, UCLouvain, FHG, CEA, H-BRS, AIT), 5 dynamic SMEs (EXUS, T4i, STWS, BIOX-associated partner, VANOS), 2 of the most well-established CBRN-E Training Centres in Europe (VESTA, FDDO-also the fire department of the city of Dortmund), 1 non-governmental organization (JOIN), 1 technological platform (TPEB), 1 national standardization agency (CSA), 1 SME expert in Ethical and Legal aspects (DBC), 1 Fire and Rescue Service (SDMIS), 1 Central Directorate of Public Security (police agency) and police academy (ENSP), 1 Ambulance Service (JOAFG), 1 Ministry of Defense (HMOD) and 1 private security company (M2C).

ICCS is the Coordinator of the project, overseeing the progress of all work packages, and contributes to the monitoring of the quality of project results, risk management and data management processes. Also, ICCS undertakes the development of technologies related to Optimized Search and Rescue operations ensuring First Responders Health and Safety and also the solutions for Monitored, Smart and Fast Deployable Infrastructure and Mass Decontamination. In addition, ICCS will be responsible for the development of Digital Victim Triage, Tracking, Tracing and Decontamination Monitoring System and Tools for Citizen Awareness Raising and improved collaboration with responding teams. ICCS will also support in the Dissemination and Communication of the project.