Project Details

Name: HAVEit
Launch Year: 2008
End Year:
Project page:

ICCS Role:


Highly Automated Vehicles for Intelligent Transport

HAVEit aims at the realization of the long-term vision of highly automated driving for intelligent transport. The project will develop, validate and demonstrate important intermediate steps towards highly automated driving.

 HAVEit will significantly contribute to higher traffic safety and efficiency usage for passenger cars, busses and trucks, thereby strongly promoting safe and intelligent mobility of both people and goods. The significant HAVEit safety, efficiency and comfort impact will be generated by three measures:
  • Design of the task repartition between the driver and co-driving system (ADAS) in the joint system.
  • Failure tolerant safe vehicle architecture including advanced redundancy management
  • Development and validation of the next generation of ADAS directed towards higher level of automation as compared to the current state of the art.

ICCS implements data fusion algorithms for the perception systems of Volvo Technology and DLR vehicle demonstrators. ICCS is also leader in the dissemination activities task.