Project Details

Launch Year: 2019
End Year: 2024

ICCS Role:


The GREEN C Ports Action will pilot the use of sensors, big data platforms, business intelligence tools and artificial intelligence modelling at the ports of Valencia, Venice, Piraeus, Wilhelmshaven and Bremerhaven, contributing this way to the future roll out of these technologies in the market.

The first phase of the project will comprise the design, acquisition, engineering adaptation and installation of the different sensor networks at the participant ports. These sensor networks will gather environmental data of different types (e.g. air quality parameters, meteorological information, noise, congestion at gates, among other), transmitting it to a Port Environmental Performance (PEP) IT platform that will be programmed to receive real time data from the sensor networks and from existing operating systems in the port (i.e. PCS, PMIS and TOS).

The second phase of the project will start once the installation of the necessary equipment to build the required environmental sensor network is completed. At this stage, partners of the GREEN C Ports project will develop methods and analytics following big data techniques and advanced modelling, which will allow predictive analyses of ports’ environmental performance. By analysing the data gathered from the sensor networks together with existing information supplied by different port authorities and community systems, it will be possible to build models and advanced algorithms to predict in real time the impact of the environmental conditions over port operations (ship loading/unloading, port congestion, traffic management, etc.) and also over nearby city areas in terms of air quality, noise and other relevant parameters.

Specific Objectives of the Action

  • Upgrade existing sensor networks with new sensors at the pilot ports.
  • Implement a Port Environmental Performance (PEP) IT platform that will receive real time data from the sensor networks and from existing port systems (i.e. PCS, PMIS and TOS).
  • Reduce the impact of port operations on their cities.
  • Monitor emissions from ports and vessels.
  • Increase the eciency of port operations and optimize handling of cargo in core ports.
  • Facilitate access and egress of cargo in and out of core ports.
  • Communicate eectively the case studies results and the main benets of the technologies piloted in this Action.