Project Details

Launch Year: 2019
End Year: 2023

ICCS Role:


FENIX will develop the first European federated architecture for data sharing serving the European logistics community of shippers, logistics service providers, mobility infrastructure providers, cities, and authorities in order to offer interoperability between any individual existing and future platforms.

The idea of FENIX comes from the work and recommendations of the European Commission’s Digital Transport and Logistic Forum (DTLF) to create a viable and valid federative network of platforms as enabler for Business to Administration (B2A) and Business to Business (B2B) data exchange and sharing by transport and logistics operators.

FENIX main objectives:

  • establish a federated network of transport and logistics actors across Europe, enabling sharing of information and services needed to optimise TEN-T (A2&A3)
  • demonstrate the operational feasibility and benefits through the organised national pilots –focus on testing the achieved interoperability capabilities (A4)
  • set up the EU corridor community building programme and to promote the benefits to the participants in terms of reduced costs and GHG emissions (A5&A6)


ICCS is an Implementing body of the Greek national pilot. The Greek pilot plans:

1. The enrichment of the Hellenic Port Community System (HPCS) with new services
2. The creation of a management platform at the southern end of the Orient / East-Med Corridor of the TEN-T chassis
3. The creation of a National Catalog of Supply Chain Services
4. The interoperability of the aforementioned platforms and systems with the federation of project platforms