Project Details

Name: euroFOT
Launch Year: 2018
End Year:

ICCS Role:


European Field Operational Test on Active Safety Functions in vehicles

euroFOT is a large scale collaborative project, funded in terms of the 7th European Framework; the project  is establishing a comprehensive, technical, and socio/economic assessment programme for evaluating the impact of intelligent vehicle systems on safety, the environment, driver efficiency. The project is assessing several technically mature systems using vehicles that include both passenger cars and trucks across Europe. A variety of intelligent vehicle systems (IVS) are being tested on a large scale in real driving conditions. Some 1500 IVS-equipped vehicles will be driven over the course of one year, tested on roads across Europe. The objectives of the testing are to:
  • Assess various aspects of in-vehicle systems, such as their capabilities and performance, and the driver’s behaviour and interactions with those systems
  • Gain a better understanding of the short- and long-term socio-economic impact of such systems on safety, efficiency and driver comfort
  • Provide early publicity of the systems to the consumer and create wider acceptance of them

The results of euroFOT are expected to be a major contributor to the processes of deploying ICT systems for transport across Europe. The insights gained during the project will help policymakers decide on the right policy framework, and business leaders to make informed decisions on the best way to bring these technologies to the market.

The role of ICCS in the project encompasses application development and adaptation, development of logging tools and platforms, data analysis S/W development and small scale test bed.