Project Details

Launch Year: 2010
End Year:
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ICCS Role:


AWAKE – System for effective Assessment of driver vigilance and Warning According to traffic risk Estimation

The objectives of AWAKE Project was to:

  • To develop a Hypovigilance Diagnosis Module (HDM), that will detect and diagnose in real-time driver hypovigilance
  • To develop an optimum, modular, on-time Driver Warning System (DWS), using acoustic, visual and haptic means with different warning levels, according to driver’s vigilance status, and the estimated risk level of the situation
  • To develop a Traffic Risk Estimation (TRE) module, so that HDM can match its output to the actual traffic situation and to optimize the DWS provided warning
  • To integrate all these modules in a middle, upper class passenger car and a heavy vehicle demonstrator and profoundly test them in 18 pilots all over Europe
  • To significantly reduce accidents related to driver’s hypovigilance and enhance user acceptance of driver monitoring systems