Vasiliki Tzelepi


Vasiliki Tzelepi

Scientific Project Manager

About Vasiliki Tzelepi

Vasiliki Tzelepi has obtained her Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from University of Patras in 2017 with specialization in Process & Environmental Engineering, and her MSc on Environmental & Development of the NTUA in 2021. She has worked as a Research Associate at CERTH/CPERI since 2019 and involved in EU funded projects as a chemical engineer in the field of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), the production/ upgarding of biogas, the management/treatment of biomass and solid waste.

Her scientific interest include: Industrial Symbiosis, Multicriteria analysis, Management and Treatment of biomass, Sustainability applications and policies. Vasiliki Tzelepi joined the Smart Integrated Systems of I-Sense Group of ICCS in January 2022.