Marilena Xarcha


Marilena Xarcha

Sub-Division Leader, Administration

About Marilena Xarcha

Marilena Xarcha graduated from the Economics Department of the University of Pireaus in 2009.

Since then she has been employed in the I-SENSE group of ICCS responsible for financial management of research projects.

Since 2011 she is the head of the financial team of I-SENSE. Among others she is responsible for project administrative management, monitoring and planning expenditures, checking partners’ expenditures and synthesising consolidated financial reports for the funding authority, distribution of partners’ payments according to their accepted expenses. She is acting as the administrative manager on behalf of the coordinator for several projects co-funded by the FP7 and Regional Cooperation programmes, but also for national initiatives. She is also responsible for administrative support in the preparation of budgets of proposals submitted for funding by several programmes, European and national ones.

Tel: +30-210-3005896, Extension: 400