Kostas Chatziioannou

Kostas Chatziioannou

Kostas Chatziioannou

Division Leader, CET


About Kostas Chatziioannou

Kostas Chatziioannou is a Senior Researcher and Division Leader for the Circular Economy & Tracing Division at the I-SENSE Group of Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) since December 2023. He has received his Diploma degree from the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH) in 2011 and holds a MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden since 2014, where he focused on smart electricity grids and integration of RES in the European power grid and first touched upon circularity concepts and societal aspects of sustainability.

He has extensive experience as a project manager and system leader in the automotive industry since 2014 having brought to production several systems spanning from active safety to the entire vehicle access system of millions of cars. Kostas moved to the electrification domain in 2019 being part of the management team as an engineering manager for different groups in the Charging and Energy Management departments at Volvo Cars from 2022. Since 2019, Kostas is member of the SAE task force that released the J2954 global standard for the standardization of wireless charging. He holds 4 patents as sole author and has co-authored over 60 patents mainly within the field of electrification and communication networks.

Tel: +30-210-7722280