Katerina Karagiannopoulou


Katerina Karagiannopoulou

Scientific Project Manager

About Katerina Karagiannopoulou

Katerina Karagiannopoulou holds a bachelor degree in Geography and a MSc in Geoinformatics, both received from Harokopio University of Athens. Also, she is currently attending the “Web Developer” e-learning program at the National Kapodistrian University of Athens. She has been involved in the implementation and the delivery of EU funded projects, which were emphasized in the Environmental Risk Management and Sustainable Development policies.

Her scientific interests include: Earth Observation and Image Processing methods, Environmental applications and mineral exploration on terrestrial environment. Katerina Karagiannopoulou is now working as a Scientific Project Manager, member of the Smart Integrated Systems & Communication Team of the I-SENSE group of ICCS.

Tel: +30-210-7722520, +30-210-7722526