Irini Krimpa


Irini Krimpa

Project Communication Manager

About Irini Krimpa

Irini Krimpa is a Communication Officer in the ISENSE Research Group of ICCS. She is a graduate of the faculty of Economics of University of Patras and holds an MSc in Services Management from the Athens University of Economics & Business. She speaks 4 languages, holds a digital marketing diploma from the Hellenic American Union while she is currently expanding her knowledge in the field of coaching and organizational psychology. Through her studies and experience she has focused on consumer behaviour and communication and has worked more than 13 years in several marketing fields such as communication, qualitative marketing research, and digital marketing. She has worked on numerous projects with well-known institutions and global enterprises while in the recent years, she has been highly involved in the tech, culture and tourism sectors.

Her duties in ISENSE include the creation, development and management of all the communication and dissemination activities for a variety of EU tech related research projects.

Tel: +30-210-3005896, Extension: 607