Dr. Evangelos Maltezos


Dr. Evangelos Maltezos

Scientific Project Manager

About Dr. Evangelos Maltezos

Dr. Evangelos Maltezos received a 5-years Diploma degree (BSc and M.Eng) from the School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering (SRSE) of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 2013, and a 4-years BSc degree in Civil engineering from the Technological Educational Institute of Patras (now University of the Peloponnese), Greece, in 2007. He has also obtained a PhD from SRSE of NTUA (2014-2019) serving also in the same period as teaching assistant at NTUA and co-supervisor of diploma theses.

Currently is a Senior Researcher – Scientific Project Manager at the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) of NTUA joined in 2019. He has a 10-year experience of more than 13 EC-European, National & International Country Bilateral Cooperation research projects as a researcher and a 6-year experience in commercial/industry projects as an engineer. He is also currently serves as a guest editor and reviewer in high level international scientific journals and he has authored/co-authored a number of published research and technical papers. Also, he is a licensed EASA UAS pilot. His research fields of interest are crisis management, computer vision, image and point cloud processing, object detection/tracking, machine learning, earth observation and remote sensing, 3D reconstruction, terrestrial and UAV embedded systems & on-board vision processing, edge computing, intelligent IoT systems, advanced sensor-based situational awareness and integration, and emergency services.


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