Elena Daskalaki


Elena Daskalaki

Scientific Project Manager


About Elena Daskalaki

is an Electrical and Computer Engineer, graduate of the National Technical University of Athens (2009) and holds a PhD from the University of Bern (2013) on the design of reinforcement learning algorithms for glucose regulation in diabetes. She has extensive experience in the field of AI, machine/deep learning, reinforcement learning, signal processing, and systems modelling for diverse applications such as healthcare and RF sensing. After her PhD she worked at CERN, Switzerland (2013-2015) on the design of control algorithms for phase regulation in RF klystrons, and subsequently at CSEM SA, Switzerland as a post-doctoral researcher (2015-2017) and R&D engineer (2017-2019) on RF sensing and AI applications. In 2019 she became a research fellow at the Australian National University where she worked on AI design and development for healthcare applications. Since February ’24 she is a member of the CCAM team of ICCS.