Dr. Vasilis Roungas

Dr. Vasilis Roungas

Scientific Project Manager

About Dr. Vasilis Roungas

Vasilis (Bill) Roungas studied economics and mathematics in Athens, Greece, and did his second master in the Netherlands on game and media technology. In 2019, he obtained his PhD from Delft University of Technology on gaming simulations for decision making.

Following his PhD defense, Bill worked for 2 years as a postdoctoral researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, inStockholm, Sweden, on games and participatory methods in collaboration with academic, private and public organizations (e.g., Swedish Ministry of Transportation, Airline companies). His research interests concern the design, implementation, and usage of new technologies, models, and games in various sectors. He has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. Since June 2022, Bill is working as a senior researcher and project manager at the I-SENSE group of ICCS.