Dr. Marios Vlachos

Marios Vlachos - photo (002)

Dr. Marios Vlachos

Scientific Project Manager

About Dr. Marios Vlachos

Dr. Marios Vlachos, is a Scientific Project Manager and Senior Researcher at the I-SENSE Group of ICCS since November 2021. He has received a Diploma degree from the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of Patras University in 2004. In his PhD thesis (2004 – 2010), has been thoroughly studied image and video digital processing algorithms and techniques both for biomedical engineering and biometrics.

During his research career, he has published a number of articles in international scientific journals and conferences while he has also acted as a reviewer in several others. Alongside with his research activity, he acquired strong educational experience by serving as an adjunct professor in the Technological Educational Institutes of Athens and Patras.  Moreover, due to his cooperation with various research centers, universities and companies, he has an extensive experience in the design and implementation of large scale IT projects in the fields of biomedical image processing, biometrics, microcontrollers, embedded systems, web development, user management, user experience and mobile applications.