Dr. Lucyna Lekawska-Andrinopoulou


Dr. Lucyna Lekawska-Andrinopoulou

Scientific Project Manager

About Dr. Lucyna Lekawska-Andrinopoulou

Dr. Lucyna Lekawska-Andrinopoulou holds a Diploma in Environmental Protection from Warsaw University of Life Sciences and M.Sc. in Bioinformatics from Stockholm University. She has received her Ph.D. degree from the Agricultural University of Athens in 2013 within the FP7 Initial Training Network “Lean Green Food”.

She has gained professional experience working on environmental and sustainability projects in several scientific institutes and universities in Europe. Main areas of her professional expertise include renewable energy sources, sustainable food technologies & green chemistry, Life Cycle Assessment, sustainable development and wastewater treatment.

Tel: +30-210-7722280