Anthi Pournara


Anthi Pournara

Scientific Project Manager


About Anthi Pournara

Anthi Pournara holds a Diploma in Environmental Engineering from DUTH, a MSc in Hydraulic Engineering and the Environment from the Department of Civil Engineering, DUTH and a MSc in Waste Management from H.O.U., for which she received scholarship of excellence. She is a graduate of the PhD program of the Department of Maritime Studies of the University of Piraeus, in Sustainable Blue Economy. She works as a freelance engineer since 2017, providing consulting services on sustainability, circular economy, waste management and environmental applications. She has served as a scientific consultant at the Ministry of Environment and Energy, and as a project manager at the Ministry of Development and Investments. Since 2023 she is an elected member of the Executive Committee of the International Organization for Standardization ECOS, based in Brussels. She is also member of the Environmental Committee of the Technical Chamber of Greece, member of the Technical Committee TC2 “Environment and Circular Economy” of ELOT and partner of Ecocity. She has published a number of articles in scientific journals and international conferences.