RECONASS is organizing its final “Post-Crisis Damage and Needs Assessment of Buildings for Response, Reconstruction and Recovery Planning – Workshop” within ISCRAM 2017 on May 21-24, in Albi, France.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the importance and trends of structural and non-structural assessment techniques and methods (civil structural health monitoring) applied in critical or conventional buildings as a means to avoid partial and total collapses when disastrous incidents take place (e.g. earthquakes, explosions, etc.). Such assessments include – but not limited to – the deployment of novel monitoring sensor networks (in-building, environmental and aerial sensors) in conjunction to information and disaster management systems that provide the stakeholders rapidly with an evaluation of the magnitude of the disaster. Additionally, the assessment reports generated drive response, reconstruction and recovery planning efforts towards saving lives, restoring functionalities and building back better.
The following topics will be covered during the workshop:
- Structural and non-structural engineering
- Emergency management and planning
- Training and simulations
- Collaboration and integration
- Response and health monitoring of structures
- Lessons from recent earthquakes and explosions
- Practice case studies
- Economic implications of seismic/terrorist attacks risk and resilience
- Damage avoidance design
For registration, please visit: