AutoNet2030 in a EURONEWS documentary on latest European research on connected and automated driving

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AutoNet2030 has been included in a EURONEWS documentary on latest European research on connected and automated driving. The documentary is a co-production between Euronews and the European Commission. The different research and industrial partners of the AutoNet2030 project i.e. ICCS, ARMINES, BASELABS and EPFL presented their work performed in the project through interviews, simulations and demonstrations and explained how this will impact tomorrow’s driving.

The documentary is focused on the benefits expected on the road safety from the wide application of connected and automated vehicles. Moreover the latest advances on connected and automated driving were shown through the presentation of AutoNet2030 and other related European projects. Representing ICCS, Dr. Angelos Amditis, Recearch Director of I-SENSE group and researchers Panagiotis Pantazopoulos and Richardos Drakoulis were interviewed. 
