ITS Europe 2022 is approaching and the EU projects ICT4CART and 5G-IANA, coordinated by the ISENSE group of ICCS are organizing a very promising Special Interest Session on a topic that has attracted much attention the latest year.
On the 31st of May at 10.30 CEST, Eirini Liotou from ISENSE Group will coordinate the SIS “5G for ITS: comms and computational challenges and prospects” and along with the notable speakers, Daniele Brevi from Links, Laurent Fevrier from Vedecom, Rudolf Susnik from the INTERNET INSTITUTE and Filippo Visintainer from Stellantis CRF will discuss the prospects and challenges of 5G in the advanced Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and the Cooperative Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) services.
While until recently, discussions have focused on the new generation mobile network (infrastructure), including technological, business, and regulatory aspects, less attention has been paid to the connected vehicle side and the series of open questions emerging, while 5G technology gradually matures.
This session aims to answer some of these questions through an interactive panel of experts in the field, by discussing the HW/ SW connectivity and computing capabilities that vehicles require in order to meet demands, the best practices from on-going experiments, the required balance between on-board and network-side functionality to achieve verifiable safety, as well as the vision and the roadmap for a smooth transition. In particular, the speakers will provide insights on:
- a) The digital Infrastructure support on Connected and Automated Driving, including examples from Austrian and Italian roads and takeaways from an OEM perspective;
- b) 5G Infrastructure Assisted Advanced Driving: results and lessons learned;
- c) Connected vehicles for improved safety in case of massive tunnel accidents;
- d) A flexible OBU/RSU platform ready to exploit the softwarization approach for easing the deployment of C-ITS services in the 5G context;
Save the date and meet us there!
31st of May
10:30 CEST
ITS Europe – MEETT | Toulouse Exhibition & Convention Centre – Room 3