Being actively involved as a founding member in the “TM2.0 Enabling Vehicle Interaction with Traffic Management” platform of ERTICO, Ι-SENSE is the coordinator of the new Task Force on “Road Automation relevant to TM2.0”. Road Automation is an important development that has to be considered in view of the long term evolution in TM. The proposed TF will safeguard that the evolution of TM is taking Road Automation into account. For this, it will identify and survey requirements for automated applications and for TMCs able to support Road Automation as well as for relevant data exchange between TMCs and MSPs.

Technical Meeting on the eBRT2030 Demo Deployment in Athens
From February 24th to 26th, 2025, a pivotal meeting took place in Athens, bringing together representatives from the Greek research partners I-SENSE Group of ICCS, NTUA, urban transport companies OASA and OSY, the Turkish bus manufacturing