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Driving Simulation Laboratory
The driving simulation laboratory of the I-SENSE Group is used for ergonomic studies of driving support and automation systems.
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The driving simulator is built in-house, using open source software (CARLA and AUTOWARE ROS). Currently it is fixed-base with one curved screen. The vision system is currently being upgraded to a three-screens one with an 150o field of view.

Wearable Devices
Wearable devices for bio-monitoring, tracking and tracing: several wearable devices (tags) and several Base Stations
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for indoor track and tracing, several wrist bands with bio-monitoring functionalities.

UAV- Octacopter
VR/AR lab/ equipment: Several head mounted displays, mobile VR system (Microsoft HoloLens, Vuzix M400 etc.),
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with active stereo, VR Powerwall with passive stereo and development tools (Unity3D, Lightning, Delta3D, VIRTOOLS, QUEST).

3D printer
Ultimaker 3 that has advanced active leveling, stiffer build platform, heated build plate, and accurate stepper drivers.

ICCS Research Vehicle
I-SENSE maintains a vehicle research facility where interdisciplinary teams can conduct experimental studies
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and work on projects that move vehicle human-centered mobility forward.

Mobile Sensor Platform
Multispectral sensing equipment: hyperspectral sensor, thermal sensors, UV sensor, short wave infrared (SWIR) sensor,
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HD IP cameras including an FPGA and single board computer for object, motion and obstacle detection. Wireless sensor network module: several wireless sensor nodes including routers and coordinators based on Zigbee Pro WSN communication protocol.

Eye Tracking System
The system consists of eyeglass-mounted Eye Tracking Hardware (Tobii glasses) and software (iMotions).
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The system records at the same time the field of view of the user, through the glasses, the user’s voice and the user’s fixation point. The system is appropriate for ergonomic studies regarding drivers, traffic participants as well as other users.

Virtual Reality Lab
VR/AR lab/ equipment: Several head mounted displays, mobile VR system (Microsoft HoloLens, Vuzix M400 etc.),
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with active stereo, VR Powerwall with passive stereo and development tools (Unity3D, Lightning, Delta3D, VIRTOOLS, QUEST).

Mixed Domain Oscilloscope
Mixed Domain Oscilloscope (MDO3000) that can capture analog, digital and RF signals with one scope.
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More specifically it features six instruments: Oscilloscope (2 analog channels, 100 MHz bandwidth, 2.5 GS/s sample rate), Spectrum Analyzer (frequency range 9 kHz – 3 GHz, -130 dBm to +20 dBm), Arbitrary Function Generator, 16 digital channels, Logic Analyzer, Protocol Analyzer (I2S, TDM, CAN, RS-232/485/UART, USB etc.), Digital Voltmeter / Frequency Counter.

5G Testbed
General purpose computing platforms (x86) together with Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Software Defined Radio (SDR) cards.
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5G testbed consisting of Software Defined Radios (SDRs), workstations, 5G compatible (client) devices and servers hosting Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Management and Orchestration (MANO) infrastructure.

High-end development servers with RAID support/ Differential GPS/ High-Power GPUs for Artificial Intelligence/
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Computer Vision Applications-/Jetson AGX Xavier and tx2/ Sensors for smart structural health
monitoring (strain, acceleration) with embedded wireless connectivity/ Open hardware platforms for rapid
prototyping (e.g. Arduino, Raspberry Pi)/ 3D Printer/ PCB Reflow Oven/ Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG)
Interrogator/ L2/L3 routers;/ Wireless mote development toolkits/ Range of common wireless NICs, 4GLTE
Mini PCIe Modules with/ GPS+Glonass/Long Range Wireless Links/ High definition computer vision
cameras/ Hyper-spectral, SWIR, UV and thermal sensor/ 3D laser scanner/ Spectrum analyzers and oscilloscopes / Anechoic chamber/Faraday room/ UAVs: DJIS1000 and DJIPhantom3