Virtual Environment (VE) research and development is a rapidly evolving field. New Virtual Reality (VR) display technologies and interaction devices are continuously being produced and modified, having an impact on the way in which participants view, navigate and interact with VEs. In addition, as VE technology is being used to an increasing extent within industry, it is starting to be possible to assess the impact of introducing such technology into the workplace. This impact can be assessed from the point of view of cost as well as changes to the working environment, on an individual and organizational level. Our team is developing VR applications using desktop tools for the automotive and biomedical field. From April 2002 I-SENSE has at its disposal a Power Wall. More recently it has acquired a mobile system using active stereo and a set of HMDs. I-SENSE was involved in the VIEW project and was leader in INTUITION network. Currently it is participating in the ManuVAR and VR-Hyperspace projects. For more information visit theVR team.