Invitation to visit the ARTEMIS Orchestra Platform


To stimulate interest of young people to take up a career in embedded systems and its applications, ARTEMIS Industry Association makes room for the Orchestra Platform. Jan Lohstroh, the Secretary General of the ARTEMIS Industry Association says: “It is part of the ARTEMIS mission to seek out the interest of younger people in pursuing a technology education. We have to focus on this because it is our future. A light hearted way to focus on this is starting the ARTEMIS Orchestra Platform. The ARTEMIS Orchestra Platform is supposed to become a virtual studio where creativity and technology can collide and explode in a crescendo of ideas and innovation. This is the challenge and opportunity presented by the ARTEMIS Orchestra Platform.”

Playing the Platform

The ARTEMIS Orchestra Platform is a place where young people – from engineering studies to industrial R&D centres and from Amsterdam to Adelaide – can engage in the field of embedded systems technologies and applications in a fascinating and interactive way. Where ideas and knowledge can be shared, where liaisons and partnerships can be formed, where creative thrust can be allied to technological drive.

In recent years a contest was organised whereby teams that had built a demonstrator of a musical instrument-playing robot were invited to compete for attractive prizes – the icing on the cake. However, it is the platform where creative spirits should spark. Depending on experience and progress made by groups on the platform, ARTEMIS-IA will rethink the contest format for the coming years. First and foremost, the results of on-line concerts by prospective groups (and individuals) on the platform will be leading. Enthusiasm in the pre-competitive phase will serve as input for the revision of the rules for future contests.

Everyone who is interested in participating in this activity can share and exchange ideas and knowledge, and even join together in alliances to develop ideas and technology, perhaps resulting in the forming of a coalition to build an instrument-playing robot.

But first things first: Plug in and play! Go to: ” href=””>


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