I-SENSE Group @ ITS Europe 2019

I-SENSE ITSNL2019 delegation returned at the office today full of new experiences and knowledge after a week of #TalkingITS in Eindenhoven, Brainport. 
Our Director, Dr. Angelos Amditis as Ertico-ITS Europe Chairman was honored to open and wrap up the event during the two official ceremonies, chair several meetings, with most important the Friends of Europe Meeting, participated and closed the 4th Mayors Summit on behalf of ERTICO who was the facilitator, present the future visions for Mobility during the respective ERTICO’s brainstorming workshop and welcome important guests on behalf of ERTICO and its members.

Our colleagues Drs. Evangelia Portouli and Giannis Karaseitanidis, presented our Group’s ongoing research within NeMo, interACT, ELVITEN, HEADSTART, ICT4CART European projects and beyond, through presentations and in the framework of several discussions. 
However, the most important moment of the Congress was the sign of Greece’s participation at the C-Roads Platform of the European Commission, that took place on the last day of the Congress at the INEA stand. Our country represented by Dr. Amditis made its participation official and was placed in the center of C-ITS deployment as the coordinator of one of the 9 new CEFtransport projects. 
The 13th ITS European Congress was undoubtedly one of the most successful events in the history of the organisation with more than 5.000 participants, 150 exhibitors and numerous activities including conference sessions, meetings, demonstrations and live discussions. The ISenseGroup of ICCS is proud both as an ERTICO member for this success and as a participant for our group’s contributions. Our compliments to the local organisers and the ERTICO team for the excellent work! We are looking forward to the next #ITSWC2019 in Singapore!

For main conclusions watch the closing ceremony of the event here 

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